Monday, January 12, 2015

Upswings and Downfalls

I ended my first juice fast on the afternoon of Friday, January 9th.  That morning I weighed in and had lost a total of 6.2 pounds since the start of my fast on Monday.  Great!

Come afternoon, I had only one juice that day so I was quite hungry and gave in to a little temptation.  At first I was going to go for the candy bars, but then I remembered that there was some cowboy salsa left in the fridge.  It consists of black beans, tomatoes, corn, red onion, and not too bad.  I had that with corn tortilla chips.  When I finished a tremendous wave of guilt washed over me.  I was planning to break my fast that evening at dinner with a salad and a plain sweet potato.  The guilt I felt was that I didn't follow my "plan".  We went to dinner that night with my husband's co-worker and his wife.  I was still in a funk about my broken plan.  The guilt was still smothering me, and coupled with dining with people who were strangers to me didn't help matters.  I ordered a margarita, a double house salad, sweet potato and broccoli.  I did NOT need that AMOUNT of food...and I definitely didn't need the margarita.

On Saturday morning I weighed myself and was up 1.6 pounds.  I decided to be okay with that.

My husband made fried eggs and toast for breakfast.  I had 3 eggs and 3 pieces of toast.  Not very healthy indeed.

For lunch we went to a cafe that makes fresh juice!  I had a "Green Goddess" juice and a walnut, pecan burger with a side of raw veggies.  It was delicious!

That evening we attended a neighborhood "Round Robin" dinner party.  Our neighbors got together and we travelled to three different homes on our street and shared snacks and beverages.  I didn't eat all that much (I don't think), but the beverages were plentiful and I didn't hold back.  I started off being "responsible" by having one martini and then water.  At the next house I had 2-3 glasses of wine (I can't remember the number).  At the third house I had 3 margaritas.  I'm not a frequent drinker, so this was WAY more than I should have had.  When we got home I promptly got sick.
All day Sunday I was recovering from the night before.  I slept off and on, laid around, and did nothing.

I knew that the next day I was starting another fast, so I forced myself into the shower and then got dressed.

Before grocery shopping we went to dinner and I ate 3 buffalo wings and a southwestern salad.  Yes, there were healthier menu items I could have chosen, but let's not forget that I struggle with eating smart.  I need to work on that!
After our meal, we went to the grocery store and again I purchased what I would need for a few days of juicing.

I started my second fast today, Monday, January 12, 2015.  My weight was only -0.6 from the previous Monday.  This was very disappointing to me and is causing me to not be as "into" this fast...but I'M DOING IT!

I made some juices today and they turned out very nice.  I really need to get my head straight this week in preparation for my 30 day fast that starts next Monday.

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